Enunciating Mineral Density

26 January, 2019
Enunciating Mineral Density
Beatriz Zamora
January 26 – March 24, 2019
Curator: Paola Santoscoy

This exhibition in the Sala Mont in the Museo Experimental el Eco—a space with sharp angles and the entrance of natural light—contrasts with the notion of the white cube as a neutral space for artwork. Zamora seeks to dialogue with the lights and shadows produced by Mathias Goertiz’s architecture, which incites meditation. A selection of pieces is gathered here that ranges from her first experiments in the late seventies to her more recent work produced in the last decade. Even when they belong to different moments, the works are experienced in the present. They are therefore achromatic and atemporal. Zamora’s is a search enhanced by each spectator, by the bodies that let themselves be touched by her works, and by everything that may also be reflected on them by the context in which they are shown: connotations, reflections, relationships, images, fantasies. In this sense they are generous, just as the emotional architecture they are in dialogue with today.

Enunciating Mineral Density